
Close Reading and Crossover Possibilities

February 17, 2009

Hello Twin,

  Sorry for the lag time in response…it’s been crazy busy at the library and by the time I get home I’m just beat.  (Shh…do you hear the violins playing a sombre melody filled with pathos in the background of my tale of woe).  But woe begone!  I’m back…and I have a bone to pick with you (does that saying stem from paleontology…because when I just thought it I pictured the both of us in pith helmets at some desert site marked off with pegs and string). 

  But back to the bone (focus, Jon, focus):  Rocket ships?  I pictured them as helicopters.  And to back me up I’d like to include the following clip from the 1998 made-for-TV movie (starring Peter Gallagher!) that I just found excerpted on YouTube:

  Yep definitely helicopters.  And notice the ominous minivans of the future!

  But back to the meat of your post…your television ideas are brilliant.  In In Full Bloom I can picture Gilbert Gottfried as Roger Avery and his catchphrase can be a plaintive, “I’m trying to paint here!”  But what I really love about these television shows is the cross over possibilities.  Do you remember NBC’s classic Saturday night lineup of Golden Girls, Nurses, and Empty Nest and how sometimes they’d have thematically linked shows because all three were produced by the same people and all took place in Miami.  So like one Saturday night a hurricane hit and all the shows featured the hurricane.

  Do you remember?  Do you?

  Well instead of a natural disaster your two programs could be linked by that hurricane of an economist John Maynard Keynes.  In Bloomsbury he’s in some torrid love affair with an Oxfordian and in FDR’s administration he’s talking big government spending with that cat puppet. Really the possibilities are endless.

  I just wanted to put that idea out there.

  AND every once in a while in In Full Bloom there could be the appearance of…Aldous Huxley.  Maybe he’s working on a little futuristic tale of conformity and sexual gluttony.  Genius!

  Well back to the book…


One comment

  1. […] from Sally Kirkland’s portrayal of Linda in the clip that I linked to in my last post.  But its not that […]

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